
My name is Sarah and I’m a 29 year old amateur artist from Orlando, FL.  I say “amateur” artist because I do not have a formal art education (besides a few classes in high school) nor do I work as an artist full-time.   I had considered studying Illustration at UCF, but then I realized that I enjoyed art more as a hobby than as a career so I switched to Marketing.  Ironically, my current profession is neither Art nor Marketing; despite life’s unpredictable turns, art has been a constant in my life.

Another unique opportunity that I had been blessed to receive was the chance to live overseas.  I lived in Maibara, Japan from 2012-2015, and the experience instilled in me a passion for travel and exploration.  Although I am back in the US, urban sketching has given me a new way to observe and explore my hometown and rediscover the thrill of travelling to new places.  It’s a perfect blend of my two favorite hobbies.

With that said, the purpose of this blog is to document my artistic exploration and personal growth as I sketch various places throughout Central Florida and beyond.  Constructive feedback to help me improve my sketches and my subject matter is welcome and highly encouraged.